REAL TALK: Seasonal Depression & Feelin' Funky

Can I be 100% real with you?

This winter has been really freakin hard for me.


I never believed that seasonal depression was a real thing. As a Florida girl, I saw the sun 360/365 days per year.

When I moved to Canada last year and experienced my first winter, I noticed that toward the end of winter (February specifically)... I didn’t want to do ANYTHING.

I no longer felt motivated to work out, eat healthy, go to work, clean my house... I literally would just sit and stare out the window for what felt like hours (and sleep, a lot 😴)

Fast forward to this year, I’m experiencing the same thing. I went to Florida, came home and was sick for two weeks, and thought that’s where my lack of zest for life was stemming from.

But truthfully it’s bugging the CRAPOLA out of me because I’m usually super motivated, driven, and going at full speed ahead. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Y’all know I’m not one to just sit around and sulk in my own misery, so I’m trying to do a few things to help:

☀️ take vitamin D religiously
☀️ move my body for at least 30 minutes every day, preferably in the morning
☀️ focus on eating greens, protein and healthy fats at every meal (GPF style)
☀️ meditating and journaling
☀️ spending time with people I love
☀️ and honestly just giving myself the space and grace to feel down, understanding that this season will pass

Mental health is something we often shy away from talking about, for fear of seeming weak or feeling exposed (like omgz, u mean she doesn’t have her shiz together alwayzz? 🙄)

But I want to share the GOOD and BAD on here.

I am human. You are human. We’re all just trying to figure it out.

If you’re struggling, I’m sending you a BIG HUG. 💕 please reach out and confide in someone, no matter how hard that may feel.

And if you want to learn more about what I’m doing to get out of this funk, you can listen to my latest podcast episodes:

I hope it offers you some comfort knowing that you’re NORMAL and you’re definitely not alone.

Sending you a BIG OLE VIRTUAL HUG. We can get through this!

