Hi, beautiful! I’m Julie.
I'm an author, podcaster, and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition and Habit coach, who thrives off of helping women create a body and life they LOVE.
My mission is to help you create healthier habits, elevate your wellness and live a kick-ass life.
You're here because you want to make a positive change in your life, right? If you want to:
create healthier habits in your life so you feel like you're THRIVING instead of just surviving
feel confident in your own skin
show up in the world in a BIG way: through your relationships, career, passion projects and everything you do
learn how to optimize your nutrition & fitness so that they're the foundation of your life (and make you feel amazing), but don't consume your WHOLE life
have a deep desire to improve your well being from the inside, out
... you've come to the right place.
Why I Do This Work
I'll never forget what it felt like being obsessed with my body, my diet and my training.
My mood for the day was dictated by the number on the scale. I wouldn't leave the house without my phone because if I couldn't track every. single. calorie, surely I'd get 'fat', right? I would micromanage my food throughout the week and only eat 'clean' foods, only to lock myself in my room on the weekends with bags of popcorn, ice cream, a jar of peanut butter - eat it all, then spend HOURS in the gym the next morning to 'make up for' all the food I ate.
Me. Me. Me. It was all about me.
All I thought about was how I looked, what I was going to eat, when I was going to eat, how much I was going to eat, how what I ate would impact the way my body looked, how *good or bad, depending on the day* I looked when I looked in the mirror.
What started as a healthy interest (getting in shape after gaining the Freshman 15 in college), became an obsession that robbed me of my joy and my ability to focus on anything but myself.
But my biggest struggles have been my biggest blessings, because through personal experience, I know what it's like to be on every end of the spectrum when it comes to fitness: healthy, obsessed, and finally back to balanced again.
that's why I made it my life's work to help women feel AMAZING in their own skin.
Through my book, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, videos, seminars, speaking engagements, coaching and everything else I do, I hope to inspire you to:
View eating healthy and working out as the foundation that everything else is built upon, yet nothing to become obsessed about
Learn to truly love the skin you're in (and no, this doesn't mean settling. You can still work for what you want while loving what you currently have.)
Want to improve ALL aspects of your life: fitness, health, relationships, career
Find a way of eating and moving your body that YOU love, not based on what everyone else says is the 'right' thing to do
Step outside of your comfort zone and live the life of your dreams
And become the strongest, sexiest version of yourself, from the inside, out
My Mission
It is my mission to always lead by example.
To educate and inspire women from around the world to follow their hearts, do what makes them feel amazing, and live the life of their dreams.
To give back and share my unique gifts with the world and inspire you to find and cultivate YOUR unique gifts, too.
To showcase that true strength lies in struggle, and that you are more powerful than you can imagine.
To help you experience the true freedom that comes when you learn to fully trust and love yourself - because you owe it to yourself.
You are capable, beautiful, strong, and worthy of ALL the great things that this world has to offer.
I can't wait to grow together.
I genuinely believe if these four keys are in alignment, you're that much closer to living a life full of joy, passion, abundance and happiness!
I've been on every end of the spectrum when it comes to training:
a complete newb who'd never stepped foot in the weight room and spent hours on the elliptical (thinking it would get me results)
becoming completely obsessed with nutrition and fitness, and soaking in all the knowledge I could get my hands on
an obsession that led to binge eating disorder because my need for perfection when it came to eating clean
finally renewing my love for my body, working daily to improve my self confidence, and spending time in the gym and preparing delicious healthy food because I love myself enough to give myself that gift
... so wherever you are in your fitness journey right now, I get it. I understand you. Whether you've never touched a weight before, or you've been training and dieting obsessively for however long and want to get out of the cycle, I'm here to help.
My training philosophy:
Do what you love. For me, that's lifting heavy weights, doing some high intensity cardio, and doing whatever I can to be active outside of the gym (I love long walks on the beach.... but really.)
When it comes to nutrition, I've personally tried everything under the sun - from eating only clean foods, to paleo, to juice cleanses, to flexible dieting (IIFYM).
And I'm grateful to say after years of 'dieting' and having an all-or-nothing mindset, I've finally found what works for me (which I talk ALL about in my book).
My Nutrition Philosophy:
At the end of the day, the food we eat is fuel for our performance: in life and in the gym. It gives us energy to lift heavy weights, but also spend time playing with the ones we love the most.
Food is not something we should demonize, or look at as 'good' or 'bad.' All food serves its purpose in a healthy, balanced diet - yes, even pizza ;).
Intention behind food is powerful, also. If you're eating because you're bored, tired, anxious, lonely, depressed -- these are all problems that need to be addressed and, based on experience, NO diet will ever fill that void or fix your problem.
My personal intention for those I work with is to help them create a lifestyle full of delicious food that they actually enjoy eating (even if you're cooking for the whole family). I want you to look at food as what it's meant to be: a way to fuel your training, a way to bring together the people you love the most, and a source of positivity in your life instead of stress.
My goal: to teach you strategies that make nutrition a healthy, effortless lifestyle that makes you feel (and look) freakin' awesome.
Relationships are the foundation upon which we build our lives -- simple as that. You can't have life without relationships.
Of course there are different types of relationships: family, friends, romantic.
And then there's the most important relationship of all, one that affects your relationship with every single person you encounter:
Your relationship with yourself.
I spent WAY too much time hating the way I looked, hating the way I felt about myself, doing destructive things that brought me temporary meaning and satisfaction.
It wasn't until I started taking the time to care for myself that my life became better. Not instantly, of course. But over time, I built confidence, I began to love myself in ways I didn't know were possible, and that translated to every area of my life - fitness, relationships, business.
If there's ONE thing I could teach the people I work with: it's that you ARE good enough. Stop wasting time thinking you're not. Stop dieting because you hate the way you look. Stop spending hours in the gym because you want to get rid of this or that part of your body you hate.
Instead, learn to start operating from a place of love.
TRUE CHANGE (and I know this from experience and those that I've worked with) only comes as a result of loving yourself.
You can't HATE your way into making a change in your body or life. If you do, it will be temporary and you will eventually quit - I promise.
Start operating from a place of love, rather than a place of hate or fear. Start loving your body for where it is and what it can do right now. Don't waste another second thinking you're not worthy or good enough... because you are.
Let the world see the light that only YOU have.
Spirituality and connecting to something bigger than myself has always been an important part of my life. When I feel connected to a deeper meaning and purpose, I am happiest - and I'm always brought back to this when I start to feel disconnected, lonely or anxious for any reason.
When I graduated college with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations, I had no idea I'd end up as a fitness and lifestyle coach.
I worked at an advertising agency for two years post-grad, while teaching group fitness classes, coaching clients online and in-person, and building what I thought was just a hobby.
Welp, I thank my lucky stars every day that I was brave enough to take a leap of faith in myself and turn that hobby into my full-time profession -- I haven't looked back since!
Read more: My Story Part 1: WERK
While I'm super passionate about all things health and fitness, it lights up my soul when I hear about people using their unique gifts and talents to serve the world.
Work doesn't feel like work to me, which is something everyone should experience at some point in their lives.
My newsletter is filled with goodies on projects I'm working on, inspiration on how to finally take the leap of faith, and more. You can sign up for it here.
My husband and kids. This American girl met her Canadian husband in Florida, and we’ve been in Canada for more than 5 years now. We have two young kids (4 & 2 currently) and while we don’t show them on social media, just know they are my whoooole world!
Training. I LOVE lifting weights, doing yoga, high intensity interval training, running, going on long walks while listening to podcasts, taking the occassional cycle class. Pretty much anything that makes me feel good, I'm all about that life.
Nutrition. I. love. food. (Who doesn't, right?) I love making it, learning about it, and finding new ways to make healthy eating taste like it shouldn't be healthy. I'm a salty and sweet person. I love food shopping more than real shopping. Is coffee a food group? Because I love that, too. I also love helping people heal their relationship with food, which is why I became a nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition.
Reading, traveling, learning, hangin' with friends and family. When I'm not training and/or preparing delish food, I spend my time with friends and family, reading, exploring new places, taking pictures, drinking coffee. I also have an obsession with giraffes and sunflowers. And rap music.
DISCLAIMER: I am a nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition, which is a habit-based nutrition coaching program that allows me to help you identify and shift lifestyle habits. I do not give out specific meal plans, tell you exactly what to eat, nor do I diagnose/treat specific medical conditions. For legality sake, I have to let you know the results on my website about myself or my clients aren't guaranteed. The people featured on this page worked HARD to achieve their transformations. My coaching is not a magic bullet or pill, and does require effort on your part. But that's what makes it fun, enjoyable and totally rewarding! My coaching is not intended to fix or repair an eating disorder. If you suspect you have an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors, please seek the help of a therapist, dietitian, or consult with your doctor for a referral.