Hey lovely!

Last week on Instagram, I posted a story about trying out a new gym.

*Side note: I upload IG stories about mindset and also write mini daily blog-type posts on my feed, so make sure to follow along if you're not already! You can also listen to this story in my free private Facebook group I did a live video about it. Request to join here :)


Since I moved to Canada at the end of last year, I've been trying my best to put myself out there and try new things. 

I've tried dance classes/workshops, joined a regular gym, hired a personal trainer, and most recently tried classes at a local Crossfit gym. 

But here's a little secret: all of these things have scared the poo out of me.

You know the feeling you get in your stomach when you're about to try something new for the first time? Maybe it's a job interview, a new workout class, going on a date, and you feel like there's a 70% chance you may actually poo your pants.... 

That's exactly how I felt. 

Because although I have experience as a trainer and I pretty much know what I'm doing, it still scares the bejesus out of me to try new things. 

I STILL get butterflies when I walk into a new gym to try a class for the first time. Or when I try a fitness workshop. Or when I go to a dance class. 

But here's what I've learned over the years:

You have to run after that feeling of fear, anxiety and nervousness like your life depends on it. 

You have to CHASE what makes you feel afraid, because that's how you grow. 

As humans, we naturally make up the worst possible outcome of any situation in our minds ahead of time. "What if I fall on my face during the workout?" "What if the guy I'm going on a date with doesn't like me?" "What if I don't get the job?" with the overarching theme of all of these being, "What if I make a fool of or embarrass myself?"

But when you actually envision living out those outcomes... it's really NOT that bad. If you fall on your face, people will forget about it probably 10 minutes after it happens. If the guy doesn't like you, good — someone better will. If you don't get the job, good — there's a better one meant for you. 

Of course trying new things is ALWAYS going to feel uncomfortable, even if you play the worst-case-scenario-ain't-that-bad game... so here's what I like to do to combat my nerves and ease my anxiety:

1. SCHEDULE THE THING. Put yourself on the hook. Commit to showing up to the class, applying for a job/scheduling the interview, going on the date. And no matter how many times your brain wants to back out of it or makes up any possible excuse for you not to go, GO ANYWAY.

2. STAY BUSY. Of course you're going to feel more nervous if you sit around and think about it for 5 days! Try to schedule whatever you're trying out as soon as possible, so you're able to get it over with and ease your anxiety about it. However, if it takes a few days, then keep yourself busy by doing things you enjoy, rather than focusing on/stressing about it all day long.

3. BREATHE. You're going to feel nervous driving there. That's totally normal. Remember to take slowwww, deeeeep breaths (5 second inhales, 5 second exhales). Play music if that helps you calm down. Remember, YOU WILL LIVE TO TELL THE STORY. It is OK :)

4. REAP THE REWARDS OF DOING WHAT YOU SET OUT TO DO! Go grab a coffee, meet up with a friend, do something to celebrate the fact that YOU ARE A BADASS because you actually DID THE THING!!!! So many people SAY they want to do things, but never actually get around to them because fear gets in the way. So whether you liked the gym class/date/whatever or not, you at least tried it, which is something to celebrate.

Remember, everything worth living for is on the other side of our comfort zone.

It may feel more comfortable to stay in your little bubble at this exact moment, but you don't want to be looking back at your life a year from now (or when you're 85 reflecting in your rocking chair), and say, "MAN. What would my life be like right now had I tried [that thing]?"

Because who knows what will come from trying a new gym, interviewing for a new job, going on a date... you could meet your best friend, get in the best shape of your life, land the job of your dreams, and live an awesome freakin' life.

Or I guess you could just stay home and hope for those things because it feels more comfortable. ;)

Moral of the story: CHASE that uncomfortable feeling. The one where your stomach is twisting and turning, you feel nervous (like you may poo your pants), you want to make up 103858 excuses not to go... because when you're able to push outside your comfort zone, you're one step closer to living a happier, more exciting, joyful, amazing freakin' life.




Tell me: what's something you've always wanted to try but haven't found the courage to yet? DM me on Instagram or comment below and let's chat about it!