[VIDEO] How to Achieve ANY Goal in 100 Days | 100 Day Consistency Challenge

Hey lovelies!

As you can probably tell from my Instagram stories lately, I AM MOTIVATED AF.

I don't know if it's the weather, the double shot espresso I had this morning, the fact that humans like Beyonce exist on this planet so I am determined to #NEVERSETTLE.... I don't know what it is, but I'm ridin' this wave of motivation hard right now. 

I truly believe life comes in seasons — remember 6 months ago when I was making posts about moving to Canada, trying to find my groove again with my workouts? 

WELL LOOK AT ME NOW, FOLKS. I'm back in action. 

LOL, but really. Just as there are different seasons — spring, summer, winter, fall — there are different seasons of our lives.

And during certain seasons, there will be certain priorities. 

For example: when you're super busy at work, fitness may take a back seat. When your kids are back in school after a summer off, maybe you can kick it up a notch and spend more time in the gym. 

Whether you're in a season of motivation or not, it's super helpful to have some accountability in your life — which is why I decided to do this 100 day challenge. 

I explain all the details in the video, but essentially I'm tracking my food & cardio every day for 100 days using this 100 day calendar. I'm highlighting my successfully completed days in yellow, and unsuccessful days in red — because the goal is not PERFECTION, the goal is to see how consistent I was over 100 days. 

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. 

That's why I live and die by. 

So even if I have an imperfect day, I will autocorrect and get right back on track the next day.

In this vid (originally posted in my private Facebook Group as a Live chat — if you're not in there WUT R U REALLY DOIN WITH UR LIFE. Jk, I'd love to have you!),

I talk about the details of my challenge, how you can create your own challenge, the mindset shifts you need to make BEFORE you try to be 'consistent' and more... CHECK IT OUT:

If you decide to do the Challenge, comment below or hit me up on social media to let me know!


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If you liked this post, you'll love my the BRAND NEW e-book I just created: Fitness Is An Inside Job (5 Mindset & Habit Shifts You Need to Make RIGHT NOW to Radically Change Your Life.) It teaches you how to go from KNOWING what to do, to ACTUALLY doing it.

It's totally free! Get it here