145: GUT HEALTH 101: How Your Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Health

This is one of my most highly requested podcast episodes — allll about gut health and the gut-brain connection

I've been geeking out on the mind-body connection for a while now, and the research coming out about how your gut health impacts your mental health is fascinating to me. 

In this episode, we do a deep dive into:

  • the science behind the gut-brain connection

  • how the health of your gut can significantly influence your mental (and physical) health

  • how the gut microbiome can impact mood and influence anxiety, depression, and cognitive function

  • modifications you can make with your nutrition and lifestyle to help improve your gut health and positively impact your mood

As always, if you suspect you're having physical or emotional symptoms, please talk to a member of your health care team.


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@byjuliebooher! And leaving a review wherever you listen to your podcast episodes is SO helpful as well!


146: How to Complete a 14-Day Holistic Body & Mind Reset | SAFE and EFFECTIVE Reset with Lasting Results


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