5 Tips to Get Organized After: Moving, Starting a New Job, or Traveling
Hello, gorgeous human!
I'm writing this snuggled up in my brand-spakin' new living room!!! If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that Mark & I recently moved into our new place.
This weekend was a whirlwind of moving, decorating, shopping and trying to get everything sorted out — but it feels SO good to be back to writing on this bloggy blog.
Since my mind (and our home, to be honest) are ALL OVER THE PLACE, I wanted to offer some words of encouragement for anyone who just: moved into a new place, started a new job, got home from traveling, or you're just feeling 'off' and need to refocus.
It's totally normal to feel discombobulated, but there are a few things you can do to get back into the swing of things in no time.
Here are a few ways I get organized after a big transition:
Photos by Ellie Neely | IG: @ellieonahill
Schedule Out The Week Ahead
Whether you've just gotten back from a trip, you started a new job, or you've moved into a new place — chances are, your schedule has been all over the place. Take some time to sit down and plan out what you want to happen in the next week, HOUR BY HOUR.
You can do this in a planner or on your iCalendar, but it's important to do it hour-by-hour (even if random things pop up and you stray a bit). Having my week planned down to the hour helps me to get (and stay) focused, since my mind tends to be all over the place after a big transition. This will shorten your adjustment time to your new situation dramatically.
If you want to see more about how I plan for the month, week and each day, check this out: PLAN WITH ME | How I Set Goals and Get Organized Every Month
Get Back Into Your Routine ASAP
After a trip or transition, your routines are likely off as well. This is usually when morning routines go out the window (what are thoooose? *has anyone seen that video??), your workout routine can become non-existent, and it feels like you're 'busy' but not getting anything done.
Get back into your normal routine ASAP, as in the day you get settled. It may not be exactly what your old routine was, but try to make it similar in order to normalize your life as quickly as possible.
Here's my morning routine (that I'm doing as we speak, actually!) if you need some inspo:
- Wake up, brew coffee, drink a shiz ton of water
- Put in my contacts, scrape my tongue, brush my teeth
- Meditate for 10 minutes (guided or just deep breathing)
- Write my daily schedule in my planner + my top 3 to-do's
- Journal + write (this blog post is today's focus!)
- Head off to my workout
Yours can look similar or completely different, but adopting a morning routine has been proven to 10x your productivity, help you stay grounded & calm as you head into the day, and honestly just make you feel like a BOSS who tackled a bunch of tasks before you head to work!
Schedule Gym Time
Do something to get your body moving: go for a run, schedule a gym sesh, take the dog for a long walk while listening to a podcast, do yoga at home (I love yoga with Adrienne on YouTube)... whatever floats your boat!
This especially applies after vacation, because chances are your eating was a bit different than it usually is. Or, if you're like us and have to enjoy some pizza after you move (gotta be a nice host to the movers, ya know?) — moving your bod can be a great idea here, too ;)
*If you need some workout ideas, I've been sharing them on Instagram. Go to the 'fitnessing' highlight on my page for some ideas! There's even a 10-min workout on there, which would be a perfect place to start to get back into the swing of things.
Refocus on Healthy Eating Habits
Similar to your fitness routine, your nutrition habits may be a bit 'off' at this point, too.
Instead of stressing out about how far you've gone off track with your nutrition and training, use that energy to focus FORWARD. What's done is done, so what can you do NOW to get back in alignment with the habits that make your body feel the best?
This is the time I like to prep a bunch of healthy food, start my morning with my fave smoothie, and get back into my GPF (Greens, Protein, Fat & Fiber) eating.
If you need a little guidance for getting back on track, check out this article: 3 Simple Steps to Make Every Meal Healthy and Satisfying Using #GPF
Be Gentle & Give Yourself Some Time to Adjust
Change can be HARD. Really hard.
Whether you've started a new job, moved into a new place, just got back from traveling, or life has thrown you some other inevitable curve ball — give yourself some space & grace to get back into the swing of things.
You won't have it all together right away, and that's totally OK and normal!
The most important thing you can focus on is working every day to get a little bit closer to your goals, which starts by doing the 4 tips before this.
When you're disciplined with your schedule, treat your body well with movement and healthy nutrition, and give yourself some GRACE to adjust (meaning you don't beat yourself up if you don't get it 100% right after 2 days or even 2 weeks)... you're one step closer to living the life of your dreams.
As always, be GRATEFUL for this new chapter. This is an exciting time. Have fun with it! ENJOY the ride.
Use this new beginning to create whatever you want in your life.
I love fresh starts, so let this be a chance to refocus, get organized, and live your best. freakin. life.
CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW JOURNEY! Let me know: what are your favorite ways to get organized after a major life transition? Comment below or let me know on IG.
If you liked this post, you'll love my the BRAND NEW e-book I just created: Fitness Is An Inside Job (5 Mindset & Habit Shifts You Need to Make RIGHT NOW to Radically Change Your Life.) It teaches you how to go from KNOWING what to do, to ACTUALLY doing it.
It's totally free! Get it here.