How to Feel Confident in Your Swimsuit This Summer

How to Feel Confident in Your Swimsuit This Summer

Hey babe!

I wanted to pop in (for some not-so-regularly-scheduled programming) and share a quick story with you about an experience I just had.

I was browsing online for bikinis since summer is upon us (so soon!) and I was looking at all different types of swim suits: bikinis, cute little one pieces, fancy one pieces with holes cut out so they might as well be bikinis, and the trendy 'cheeky' bottoms.

I still can't decide what I'm going to get, but that's not the point of this story :) (If you have any places you shop for bathing suits that actually fit well, please let yo girl know)

THE POINT of this story is that by browsing around for bikinis today was a totally different experience.

I used to think I was "never ready" for a bikini. Or I can't wear "THAT" type of bikini until I lose X pounds or improve X part of my body.

Sound familiar?

I get it - walking around in next-to-nothing can be intimidating for anyone.

But it's crazy to me, because even though I originally started working out to change my body, I ended up walking away with something SO much better: confidence in my own skin.


Now, I don't DREAD putting on a bathing suit.

I don't avoid social situations because I 'don't feel ready.'

I don't keep my shirt or my shorts when its 100 degrees outside and everyone else is swimming, because I feel there are 'still parts of my body to work on.'

NOW, IDGAF if my body is 'ready' to put on a swim suit or not. I put it on.

Actually, I don't even think that way anymore.

If you read one of my recent body update Instagram posts, you'll understand why (the one with me in plaid shorts).

Because here's the thing: your body is never going to be 'perfect' by your standards (we're the hardest on ourselves). So why not practice loving yourself NOW - with all your flaws, insecurities, etc. - and put on your dang bikini while you are still young, healthy and HOT?

I hate using the term 'get bikini ready' even though that's what attracts a lot of people to fitness...

because if you have a body, you ARE bikini ready.


OWN who you are.

OWN the flaws, the insecurities, the bad days, the good days.

Here's something to practice that helped me a bunch: put a bikini on, stand in the mirror and repeat this to yourself until you believe it: "Body, I fully accept and love you as you are."

That was transformational for me.

I used to do that all. the. time. (especially on my bad days, not just when I felt 'good')

And it's just one of the steps that helped me feel confident in my own body.

Love you, mean it!



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