It's Up to YOU


I know I don't usually pop into your inbox on the weekend, but something got me FIRED UP this morning and I had to share.

I went to a cycle class this morning, and it was led by a brand new instructor.

Trying different instructors is always a gamble to me... as a former group exercise instructor, I'm a bit of a class snob ;)

BUT I figured I'd give this guy a shot because worst case scenario: I don't like it and don't go back to his class.

The class was GREAT.

At the end of class, he openly asked, "Was that better than the last time?" (I'm assuming it was only his second or third time teaching), to which people in the class responded,

"Yes, it was a little better. But I would like less rest breaks. We're used to being pushed!"

I found myself wanting to speak up and defend him because 1. he's new and 2. his class was WAY better than most spin classes out there, but instead of being rude I decided to vent via this email. ;)

Because YES, your instructor/trainer/coach is responsible for showing up, pushing you to your limits and making sure you're challenged physically and mentally in order to become better.

But it doesn't stop there.

It is the responsibility of YOU, as the person attending the class or training session, to push yourself past your limits.

If the instructor says something like, "OK, moving into a 15 second rest period here. Decrease the intensity." but you're feelin like a million $$$ and want to push harder... PUSH HARDER.

If the instructor says "OK, this is 80% of your max effort here - push it!" it's YOUR responsibility to be at a true 80% of your max effort.

The instructor is NOT in your body.

They can't do the work for you.

They create the format of the class, pick the music, create the experience...

But it's YOU who has to push past your own personal limits in order to see results.

So, while Nancy (don't know her real name so we'll call her Negative Nancy hehe) walked out of the spin class today, barely sweaty...

I walked out DRENCHED in sweat because I understand that I am the ONLY person responsible for my results and how hard I work during my workout.

Next time you're working out in a class, with a trainer, or even by yourself - I want you to remember that it's up to YOU to push. No one can do the work for you.

You must show up.

And when you show up, you're guaranteed to become better.

Don't cut corners, Julie.

Your results are waiting on the other side of discomfort.

