We Moved to Texas!

Good morning from my new apartment in Texas!

I woke up so full of joy, peace and excitement today. I'm hoping today's blog will inspire you to do the same, every day :)

Isn't is true that when one thing changes in your life, it feels like everything else changes at the same time?

Like in an instant, everything in your world is turned upside down?

Well, if you've been subscribed to this newsletter for a while - you know what that moment was for me: when Mark couldn't get back into America back in January.

It literally changed everything: I left my job at Strength Camp and moved back to Orlando, started training my old clients, traveled to Canada a bunch, got engaged, stopped prepping for my bikini show, started taking on more online nutrition clients and found my passion for helping people who never want to diet again but still get awesome results... the list goes on.

And perhaps the biggest change of all... I woke up this morning in the cutest little studio apartment in College Station, Texas, with Mark by my side.

"Why the heck are you in Texas?," you're probably asking yourself.

Well, Mark is attending the Fire Academy for 3 months (Texas is one of the only places in the world with a program that short), so we got his booty back into America and straight off to Texas. (Side note about Mark: he used to be a forest firefighter over the summers in Canada amid all his time as a personal trainer. So he undoubtedly has a passion for it that he couldn't let go and would always regret if he didn't pursue actual firefighting at some point - what better time than now?)

I'm lucky that my job allows me to work from anywhere. Seriously, I feel so blessed that I get to virtually personal train some sexy ladies via FaceTime and kick their booties as if I were there, online coach some stunning women from around the world to help them achieve freedom from food obsession, write personalized fitness programs that help guide women through every step in the gym, and more. [Online coaching info here]

BUT the reason I'm sharing this with you is because the process to get to this point, accept it, and be OK with the uncertainty....


I cried, a lot.

There were times when I felt like everything was crumbling beneath me: my plans for my future with Mark since we were in different countries, making the choice to leave Strength Camp instead of accepting the new position they offered me - something I'd been working so hard for all year.

I was lonely. I was scared. I was unsure.

But above all of this, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I knew everything would work out.

Even when I was crying, even when I was scared and angry and lonely and vulnerable, even when I felt like saying "f*ck it, I'm just going to give up on my business and go get another full-time job because that would be less stressful"....

I knew deep down inside of me that I am meant for more.

I am MEANT for this adventure.

I am meant to make choices that challenge me, push me so far out of my comfort zone, and literally move me around to a different state & eventually country because I knew deep down I wasn't meant to stay where I was - even though I loved it and it was super comfortable.

And here's the thing, I'm not unique.

I'm just like YOU.

I know YOU have those burning desires. I know there are things that keep you up at night - things you wish you could try, or do, or see. Places you wish you could go. A new job that you'd love to apply for. A new city you'd love to move to. A new business you'd like to start.

I understand you're probably reading this going, "Yeah... BUT."

"Yeah, it'd be nice to make changes in my body and gain confidence, but a personal trainer is too expensive and I don't have time."

"Yeah, I'd love to get a new job because I'm miserable in the one I'm in, but I get a paycheck and it's comfortable so I think I'll just stay til some random unicorn employer comes and knocks on my office door, begging me to work there."

Here's the thing...... it's a very SLIM chance that anyone will ever come knock on your door and had opportunities to you. You have to put yourself out there and create them.

Is it uncomfortable? Yes.

Is it worth it? TOTALLY.

I am living proof of that.

I rarely give myself enough credit, but one thing I'm super proud of is my ability to listen to my intuition and follow it.

And I won't tell you, "Don't be afraid!!!"

Because that's bullshit.

ANYTHING worth doing is scary.

You're going to feel fearful - like maybe you won't survive your first training session, maybe you'll become homeless and broke if you leave your job or try to find a new one. Maybe, maybe, maybe - there are so many doubts that you can think of, I'm sure.

But let me tell you something from personal experience:

The times that hurt the most, that I've risked the most for, that I've jumped through leaps & bounds to make happen and sometimes felt like I was relying on blind faith... THOSE are the moments that have shaped my life.

Listening to my intuition and trusting my gut (even when it didn't make logical sense) is what led me to start my own business, meet the man of my dreams, travel/work/live around the country and work from wherever I want.

The times that were the most painful, were also the most exciting.

The times I knew I wasn't meant to date so I stayed single for 3 years [even though I was lonely at times], led me to the man of my dreams.

The times I knew I was meant for so much more than the advertising job I was in, led me to start personal training, teaching group ex. classes and eventually led me to start my own business.

What I'm saying here is that whatever dream you have that's lying dormant inside of you, I can only HOPE that you'll bring it alive.

It's scary. It's fun. It's rewarding. It's vulnerable.

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll experience and learn about parts of yourself you didn't even know existed.

But let me tell you what I know for sure, when you follow your heart,

It is SO worth it.

Maybe some day you'll wake up in a new city, next to the love of your life, with a body that you adore - not because it's perfect but because you know how great it feels to feed it well and train hard, excited to wake up every day because you're living your life's mission with a job that sets your soul on fire.

You have it in you, too.

Believe it.


I love you!

Reply and let me know what those 'secret' dreams of yours are - I love talking about this kind of stuff. <3



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