How to Buckle Down and #GSD
This blog post comes at an ironic time... a time where I know I need to buckle down and #GSD, so naturally I'm writing a blog post about the topic to hopefully motivate me to get off my bum, change out of my PJs and get to work.
OK, maybe I'll stay in my PJs...
Something that has been instrumental in my success is the art of what I like to call #GSD (or getting sh*t done). If you're part of my challenge groups, you know we talk about this ALL the time in our Facebook accountability group.
GSD is the art of putting your head down and grinding it out, even when you don't feel like doing something. It takes practice, but here are a few ways you can stop procrastinating and start moving forward in your fitness and life goals.
Photo Cred: Katelynn Carlson Photography
1. Get clear on the bigger picture.
WHY are you doing what you're doing? For example, WHY do you want to lose those 10 lb.? To feel confident and sexy in your own skin? So your clothes fit better? So you can have more energy throughout the day because you're eating healthy and exercising? Whatever the reason may be, this big WHY is going to be key in your success when your motivation fades -- because it will. Motivation is a fleeting emotion. Discipline is what keeps you going even when you don't feel like doing something. This means going to the gym on the days you don't feel like it, choosing a healthy option instead of giving into cravings all the time, etc. -- all because you have sight of the bigger picture and know that one small step in the right direction will bring you that much closer to achieving your goals.
2. Come up with a plan.
What is your most important task you need to accomplish? Work on that FIRST before you do anything else. Usually, the larger projects are the ones we tend to procrastinate more -- either because we don't know where to start, or it just seems too overwhelming, or we don't know the correct plan of action to take to tackle it. My recommendation? JUST START. That's the only way you'll ever GSD - by starting.
As far as delegating actual tasks, I'm kinda OCD about it:
- Once a month, I plan my goals for the month.
- On Sundays, I spend time reflecting on the past week (what worked? what didn't? what could I have done better?) and planning for the week ahead.
- Every night before I go to bed, I write down the most important things I need to accomplish the next day.
Having a plan for anything is like having your own GPS system -- sure roadblocks may pop up that change your path, but you'll have a better idea of where you want to go and how you're going to get there if you take the time to attack your plan with full force.
3. Create a sacred space to GSD.
There are certain spaces I know I can work and know I can't. For example, I'm totally fine with working at my kitchen table -- it's become my second desk. I'm also OK with working at the desk in my room. I'm NOT ok with working in my bed, on the couch, or anywhere else where I can get too comfortable because being TOO comfortable is distracting to me. I recommend finding or creating a space in your house that's free from clutter (cluttered space = cluttered mind), or that won't tempt you to start doing something else (i.e. working near the laundry room and doing loads of laundry while trying to work without interruptions, by the kitchen so you keep running to the kitchen to grab snacks, etc.)
4. Get rid of distractions.
Turn off the TV. Get off Facebook. When I'm working on a project, I like to light a candle, play some classical music and just completely immerse myself in the task at hand. This means NOT multitasking -- I only focus on one task at a time to give it 100% of my attention. You'll be surprised how much more you get done in a shorter amount of time when you're not trying to switch between 5 different tasks at one time.
5. Work in intervals.
Depending on the task at hand, I usually work in intervals -- 30 minutes of uninterrupted work (this includes not checking my phone or any social media/Internet sites), followed by a 5 minute break to get up, stretch, walk around, go to the bathroom, eat a snack, whatever. When the timer goes off after 5 minutes, I'm right back to it. And yes, I set a timer -- if you're not strict about the "rest" period, chances are you'll rest way longer than you need to. You get better results when you give 100% effort in a shorter period of time then rest a little bit; this has been KEY in me GSD. Kinda parallel to working out, isn't it? ;)
So, there ya have it! I hope this inspires you to go out there and #GSD.
Always remember how good you'll feel once you start taking little steps toward your dreams and goals -- in fitness and in life. One step in front of the other, one day at a time. You got this.
Coach Julie
P.S. I'm opening up THREE new spots for my online coaching program starting February 1. They tend to fill up quickly so learn more and apply here, only if you're serious about getting LASTING results.