Healthy and Happy 3-Month Membership: June, July, August 2021
Every month for 3 months, you’ll get:
• an interactive workbook-style ebook related to the topic of the month (food, body, mindset, mindfulness, etc.)
• a members-only podcast based on the topic of the month
• members-only Facebook group
• OFFICE HOURS — your chance to join LIVE office hours and meet other members + get coached by me/have me answer any specific questions you have!
+ TWO office hours sessions, which will aim to accommodate both local and international time zones (and you can of course attend both!)
+ Weekly challenges, picked by the group
+ More opportunities to interact and get to know members of the group
+ Anonymous Q & A box where I’ll answer a member’s question every week
+ Potential opportunities to host a workshop within the group (if you have a specialty you’d love to share with us!)
Every month for 3 months, you’ll get:
• an interactive workbook-style ebook related to the topic of the month (food, body, mindset, mindfulness, etc.)
• a members-only podcast based on the topic of the month
• members-only Facebook group
• OFFICE HOURS — your chance to join LIVE office hours and meet other members + get coached by me/have me answer any specific questions you have!
+ TWO office hours sessions, which will aim to accommodate both local and international time zones (and you can of course attend both!)
+ Weekly challenges, picked by the group
+ More opportunities to interact and get to know members of the group
+ Anonymous Q & A box where I’ll answer a member’s question every week
+ Potential opportunities to host a workshop within the group (if you have a specialty you’d love to share with us!)
Every month for 3 months, you’ll get:
• an interactive workbook-style ebook related to the topic of the month (food, body, mindset, mindfulness, etc.)
• a members-only podcast based on the topic of the month
• members-only Facebook group
• OFFICE HOURS — your chance to join LIVE office hours and meet other members + get coached by me/have me answer any specific questions you have!
+ TWO office hours sessions, which will aim to accommodate both local and international time zones (and you can of course attend both!)
+ Weekly challenges, picked by the group
+ More opportunities to interact and get to know members of the group
+ Anonymous Q & A box where I’ll answer a member’s question every week
+ Potential opportunities to host a workshop within the group (if you have a specialty you’d love to share with us!)