Client Success Story: Taylor

Welcome to my Food Freedom Success Stories series, where I feature a client I’ve worked with in either my signature 8-Week Food Freedom Mentorship and/or my Yearlong Coaching Program.

This week, we’re covering the fabulous Taylor and her Food Freedom success story!

In my coaching programs, my goal is always to help my client develop a healthier relationship with food and her body. This looks different for everyone (as I cover in my book!), but one of Taylor’s main goals was to prioritize her own health and wellness. Taylor is the classic example of someone who will give, give, give before she cares for herself — which most of us can probably relate to! As a teacher, she would selflessly give to her students and her family, leaving little room/time for herself at the end of the day. During our time together, it was amazing to witness her starting to practice putting her own wellness at the top of her priority list. She built consistent, small habits with her food and exercise, and it really paid off!

Keep reading to learn more about Ashley and her inspiring Food Freedom success story.



8-Week Food Freedom Mentorship Client (1-on-1) & Healthy and Happy Membership Member


What made you decide to join the 8-week program?

I was at the lowest point in regard to confidence and feeling happy with my mind, and body. I began listening to Julie's podcast and from then on I immediately felt the support to get out of my rut and do something different. That was just from listening to her podcast. Once I began working with Julie one on one I felt like I had gained a friend who was there supporting and guiding me even though we didn't even live in the same country. I knew that I was at that point in my life that if I didn't do something now, I never would. 

Where do you think you'd be/how would things be different right now if you didn't sign up for the program?

I most likely would be in the same mental rut that I was in before. One thing recently, that has really been difficult is staying on a healthy course during C*VID. I will admit that nutrition has been a tough one in this situation, but I have successfully been moving and walking and doing things for myself instead of just wasting away in front of the TV. I believe that I have been able to do this because of the confidence and mindset that I gained while working with Julie. I also have learned much better how to manage my anxiety by using walking as my form of meditation. And becoming much more aware as to how much my emotions control my food choices. 

What would you tell someone who's on the fence about joining?

You will lose absolutely nothing and gain everything by working with Julie! I joined thinking that I was in it just for weight loss, but what I didn't even realize is how much of it was more emotional that I needed the most. 

What's the biggest difference you've noticed physically, emotionally or mentally?

 I noticed that I am way more in tune with why I have always had issues with overeating and eating foods that are "comfort" foods during high-stress times. I learned just how much my stress, emotions, and anxiety affected my eating habits. Though I still am not perfect, I am so much more aware of when I am falling off track and how to get back on a positive one. 

I also noticed that I have been more comfortable with wearing less makeup and going more natural even on a night out. I definitely have experienced more of a mental shift while working with Julie, which I believe has set me up with the confidence that I need to make the physical change as well. I didn't realize that all of those years of trying to lose weight, were never going to be successful because there was soul work that needed to be done first. I look forward to my daily walks now because I know that mentally I will feel so much better, all while getting movement. 

I am not a veggie perfect idea of a veggie is a can of green beans. After working with Julie and focusing on GPF, I have been 98% more successful at including veggies in most of my meals throughout the day. I am still learning the art of cooking veggies, but I definitely eat way more than I ever used to. Now, at restaurants, I crave big salads instead of anything else. I noticed that this is a huge factor in me not being able to overeat like I used to because I am better about filling up with quality foods.  

What are you MOST proud of in your transformation?

Accepting that changing my lifestyle to a healthy and whole one, is a slow process (and that's completely fine). It takes time to get the different aspects figured out and what will work best for you. For example, I had to start with little daily habits (sleep, taking vitamins, less caffeine, mindfulness). I wasn't able to just figure out how to implement everything overnight;  it took time and patience with myself. I know that I will not always be perfect, but when I have bad days, I am more confident about how to get back on track quickly. Once I started getting the little habits down, then I could start adding the bigger ones. 

The first step was adding longer daily walks. Now, I am to the point where I am implementing strength training back into my life. This all has happened over a couple of months. I sometimes get into a habit of trying to compare to when I was 19 and thinking "I used to work out ALL of the time, every day, and was doing a full bodybuilding program." But then I remind myself, that there were so many things I was not working on such as my anxiety, my daily habits, my nutrition, which is why those seasons in my life never lasted. I always burned out and would end up in the same place as before. Now, I am working on being better in ALL of the aspects, not just one. In the long run, I know that is where I will experience lasting effects on my physical and mental health. I started the program super focused on my weight, but ended super focused on my mind and thoughts. I didn't lose 20 pounds in the 8 weeks. I did lose 5 which is something to be proud of. BUT with the tools and confidence that I gained. I will meet my healthy goals because I have confidence in myself to do it. Will it happen overnight? No, but that is completely okay. 

How is your life different now? 

 I used to put EVERYTHING above my health physically and mentally. Now, I make it my 1st priority.  

Any final words/thoughts?

 Julie is the BEST! 


Thanks for sharing your story, Ashley! We are super proud of you!

Interested in working with Julie? Click here for more information.